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I just came here from your "I'm shirtless in this one" webcomic? (game? thingy? I'm sorry, I don't know exactly what to call it.) and I'd like to thank you for sharing the message, "These marks and these scars. They are marks that tell my body's story, what I went through." I've struggled for the longest time with accepting the scars from my self-harm and from abuse (It's actually a divot in the back of my head from being slammed into a wall...) and even one accidental scar (I ran into a door and cracked my forehead open.) I am now more accepting of my body, but my scars still hurt me to look at, and they still have the ability to make me feel bad. Anywho, thank you for this. 


never thought i would feel so genuinely touched and uplifted by a drawing of someone's ass. seriously tho as a fat trans guy seeing positive depictions of fat queer male bodies is healing


Made me happy, thank you :) Aloha from Hawai'i!

Sweet ^_^

Absolutely perfect ;)!


aww i got it dude :3 , im very close with this , cute draw and i love ur games :3 , i hope u make a next game , and i hope that you are healthy and ready to make another game :3

awwww that was such a cute comic thank you for sharing something so nice i say good for you i say love yourself for who you are theres no such thing as the perfect weight youre beautiful just as you are <3


Your art is amazing, thank you for sharing it with the world <3


Awww, I love the positive message! 

Sometimes it's what I say to me...but being convinced about it it's another story 😅

Thanks for sharing! 

(also, you're gorgeous~) 


good for you <3 ;) 


amazing omg<33333333333